Thursday 30 April 2009


I have an internship lined up for the Fall back in Wilmington. If all goes according to plan, I will be interning with Bootleg magazine. I just have to meet up for an interview when I get back.

Bootleg is an arts, music and culture magazine. I'll be writing about music & performers in a variety of ways, interviewing and discussing artists and covering culture stories. I am really freaking excited!

Monday 27 April 2009

The Rescue; Cardiff, UK 2009

Saturday night I marched through Cardiff for the children soldiers abducted by Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistant Army.

It was such a rewarding experience being able to be involved with Invisible Children in another country. I met lets of people from not only the U.K, but from around the world. It was great to see everyone together for the same cause.

We slept outside of Cardiff university, in the front lawn and even though it rained, it wasn't too bad because I learned how to say "goodnight baby" in Welsh, "Nos Da Baba" and how to make the "LL" sound (which involves hissing out of the sides of your mouth).

Anyways, made this video from the event. Please take a second to watch it!

Swansea's Got Talent

A twelve year old boy, Shaheen Jafargholi who lives in SWANSEA with his mom and cat was on Britain's Got Talent and was absolutely amazing; he gave me chills.

Check him out.

Sunday 26 April 2009

Ahhh Home Meet Home

Having my dad and mom and uncle come visit me in Swansea was a very proud moment for me. I didn't just want them to like Swansea, I wanted them to LOVE IT! In the short time that I have lived here, I have really grown to love Swansea. From the random rain, to the ponies behind my flat, to the sheep on rolling hills, and cliffs that look over the water, (and to the crazy students throwing eggs, bread, pans, and whatever else out their windows when they get drunk oh and putting maynoise on people's door knobs, hot vaseline on the walls, raw fish through the mail slots, and toothbrushes in toilets), Swansea has won my heart.
I took my parents to all the Hot Spots and of course on our trip out to the Gower Penisula it rained, but it wouldn't have felt right without it! Took them to see the Mumbles light house and what's left of the Oystermouth, Swansea, and Panean Castle. And the best part of all, Mother's Day was the Sunday that my mom had come to visit me (which I learned Mother's Day isn't a global holiday, that date varies depending on what country you were in...who knew?)
Here's a video of my ridiculously crazy mom...Patty Wagon Explores the Gower, apparently she felt like dinosaurs should live on the Gower and that it was like Robinson Crusoe.

I'm realizing more and more everyday how much I am like my mom, and it's scary.

And here's a video of our adventures in Swansea.

Really enjoyed the time I spent with my dad and uncle! They are really adventerous for their age! And in shape, they were going up the hills faster than i was haha.

Welsh Men Can't Rap

This man keeps getting better! Ahhh this made my week.

Welsh men can't rap, but who really gives a shit about that?!

"When we get beat, it hurts a bit,
Especially if it's against those English shits."

Here's to You Mr. Welsh Youtube Blogger

My new hero! (i love how he's reading as he's speaking haha).

Thursday 23 April 2009

Dear God, Please make me Popular

Just read an article in a local magazine that goes on to say, "Well it's official...atheists are flibbertigibbets." Flibbertigibbets? Whatever that means.

Thanks to trusty Wikipedia, it tells me a flibbertigibbet is
  • a Middle English word referring to a flighty or whimsical person, usually a young female.
  • in modern use, it is used as a slang term, especially in Yorkshire, for a gossipy or overly talkative person.
  • also a historical use as a name for a fiend, devil or sprite. such as in Shakespeare's King Lear, he is one of the five fiends.

So with that being said, atheists are flighty, gossipy devils. Hmmm sounds about right.

According to the article a new study has just discovered that atheists are more likely to panic under pressure than Jesus Freaks or any other religious people. The tests were conducted in Toronto, so although it was only surveyed on a small number of people, there was still substantial evidence. The tests were conducted on people of various religions and the results were consistent across the creeds.

People of faith have strong beliefs and obviously that certitude is going to keep them more calm. I mean, if you bury your head in the sand far enough, you won't see all the horrible things going on around you. Right?

The article goes on to say atheists don't live as long, that they are most likely to die from a heart attack, and that they even don't have as many friends. How depressing. Maybe it's because God hates them?

Just like how God made lactose intolerant, even though I am obsessed with cheese. Sigh I am simply going to take a deep breath and offer a prayer and maybe all my troubles will fade away. And hey....maybe I'll make some more friends while I'm out it.

This also reminds me of a Regina Spektor lyric,

All the non-believers,
They get to eat dirt.
And the believers,
get to spit on their graves.

Come to the Rescue; Invisible Children

Recently I have been finding more and more information out about Joseph Kony. For those of you not familiar with Kony, he is the head of the LRA (Lord's Resistant Army) in Uganda who has abducted over 20,000 children since the violence began back in 1987 (my birth year). That means each week of my life since I was born on February 14, 1987, about 18 children have been abducted and engaged into violent campaign.

The LRA is a self-proclaimed Christian group that are fighting for a biblical based established of government. They want the laws to be govern through the Ten Commandments, which makes complete sense considering that they are going around murdering innocent people...and forcing children to carrying guns...

Every night, children, priests, and volunteers from outlaying villages gather to hopefully prevent children from being kidnapped and taken by the LRA.

After much hard work, in August of 2006, the Uganda government and LRA agreed to peace talks. Unfortunately, this broke off by January of 2007. Joseph Kony and the LRA still manage to rally children and continue violence.

This Saturday, April 25th, I will be "abducted" in Cardiff, Wales, along with thousands of participants in 100 cities across the world. We will stay in Cardiff writing letters, creating art projects, and seeking out media attention in an effort to petition the US, European, Canadian, Mexican, and Australian governments to develop a strategy and support existing efforts to rescue Kony's child soldiers. I will stay "abducted" at the site until I am "rescued" - this requires a certain amount of media coverage as well as the attendance of a celebrity or political leaders.

If you are interested in learning more about this effort and have 36 minutes to spare, watch this touching documentary about three guys from California who have dedicated their lives to the effort. Invisible Children presents

Sorry, No Tonsils for Show & Tale This Time

Ever since 2nd grade, when Emily Bisbee brought her tonsils in a jar for Show & Tale, I always wanted to get mine taken out too, keep them on my book shelf next to my trophies and name them something like Franklin and Maurice. But nevertheless, it was never deemed necessary, and I am sitting here today with tonsils so swollen that every time I swallow I quince up holding my throat, making an Asian face from the sharp knife jabs in the back of my throat.
But there is a plus side. I am finally able to RELAX and settle down after a month of traveling and a week of getting my life back together in Swansea. And I have a lot to catch up on. The past month I have been doing a lot of traveling. My parents came for one memorable, crazy funny week, I stayed another week in London with my dear friend Gloria, and spent the rest of my time exploring England and Italy. From kissing the Blarney Stone in Ireland to almost being "under arrest" in the G-20 protest in London, I experienced some crazy things. Like being caught in the middle of an Earthquake in Rome, to almost being arrested in Florence, and almost not being let back in the UK!
I now have time to lay in bed and catch up on my adventures. Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to try to fill in the gaps of my last month.

Oh! And today I experienced the magic of a Universal Health Care System for the first time! I went to the health center on campus, waited for a mere 30 minutes reading an old British Gossip magazine from January, learning that the majority of celebrity coverage had to do with Americans, got treated and handed a prescription, in which I went to the pharmacy, picked up my antibiotic, and didn't have to pay a dime for it. It was very comforting.