Thursday 23 April 2009

Sorry, No Tonsils for Show & Tale This Time

Ever since 2nd grade, when Emily Bisbee brought her tonsils in a jar for Show & Tale, I always wanted to get mine taken out too, keep them on my book shelf next to my trophies and name them something like Franklin and Maurice. But nevertheless, it was never deemed necessary, and I am sitting here today with tonsils so swollen that every time I swallow I quince up holding my throat, making an Asian face from the sharp knife jabs in the back of my throat.
But there is a plus side. I am finally able to RELAX and settle down after a month of traveling and a week of getting my life back together in Swansea. And I have a lot to catch up on. The past month I have been doing a lot of traveling. My parents came for one memorable, crazy funny week, I stayed another week in London with my dear friend Gloria, and spent the rest of my time exploring England and Italy. From kissing the Blarney Stone in Ireland to almost being "under arrest" in the G-20 protest in London, I experienced some crazy things. Like being caught in the middle of an Earthquake in Rome, to almost being arrested in Florence, and almost not being let back in the UK!
I now have time to lay in bed and catch up on my adventures. Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to try to fill in the gaps of my last month.

Oh! And today I experienced the magic of a Universal Health Care System for the first time! I went to the health center on campus, waited for a mere 30 minutes reading an old British Gossip magazine from January, learning that the majority of celebrity coverage had to do with Americans, got treated and handed a prescription, in which I went to the pharmacy, picked up my antibiotic, and didn't have to pay a dime for it. It was very comforting.

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