Saturday 28 February 2009

Island of Reality in an Ocean of Diarrhea

That's a video I made to encapsulate what an ordinary day is like for me in Swansea (Peanut-butter and banana sandwiches).

island of reality in an ocean of diarrhea from Jeph Hinshawty on Vimeo.
The song in the video is "Details in the Fabric" by Jason Mraz Featuring James Morrison.

When I walk up the stairs of the Hendrefoilan House, you can see the beach and Mumbles off in the distance.Mumbles is a village with adjacent headland stretching into Swansea Bay. It is part of the city of Swansea. And a random fact that I found humorous is that mumbles is derived from the French word mamelles, which means breasts. At the tip of Mumbles are two humps that resembles breasts. How 'bout dem apples?

And kudos to the Danny Deveraux for giving me inspiration with his self-proclaimed "cute video" called "Southampton Day." Check it out as well.

You can also check out his blog, God Save the Danny, it's entertaining. Or you can click the picture to the left which is taken from his blog.

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