Saturday 28 February 2009

Beware! Sheep poop may look like Milk Duds, but it don't taste like it.

Whoever says the weather in Great Britain is suppossed to be depressing and rainy can kiss off. While being in Swansea, also known as "an ugly, lovely town," by famous Welsh writer Dylan Thomas, I have experienced some of the most beautiful weather. I will admit it rains more than back home, but there have been a fair share of beautiful, sunny days. And besides, the rain allows you to enjoy the sun that much more when it is out.

This past weekend I decided I should be a tourist in my own town, fanny pack and all. And much to my luck, the weather was absolutely gorgeous. It was actually warmer here than it was back in Richmond or Wilmington. So what better to do on a warm day than go out to the Gower Penisula.

The Gower Penisula is apart of the city of Swansea and is on the south coast of Wales, on the north side of the Bristol Channel. This is actually the first area in the U.K. that has been named "An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty."

Traveling to the Gower is pretty simple. If you already have a bus pass (which after buying one for 220 pounds, I do) it costs only four pounds to have a round-trip bus ride out to the Gower. It's about a 20-40 minute bus ride depending on the circumstances (what time of day and how many old people are on the bus- for whatever reason, the bus to the Gower is all full of the ederly, guess they live out there?). The trip to the Gower is very scenic. Rolling hills of sheep and green grass. And sheep poop actually looked like Milk Duds. Yum! (you can see the picture to the right- except for some reason on the computer they look more like raisinets. hmm... just a little food for thought)

The road to Gower is extremely narrow, and if a car is coming towards you, either the car has to pull to the side of the road, or the bus does because it is basically only big enough to be a one-way road.

I went with a group of friends, all exchange students as well. We stopped for a quick Lunch at this place called Sam's Surf Shop. I got an amazing sandwhich there, and will definitely have to go back soon. It's a quaint little shop, with coffee and desserts as well. A good place to go for reading, as it looks over the beach on Rhosilli bayAnd the two dudes working in there legit looked straight out of Laguna Beach or the O.C. or something.
Check out the youtube videos I posted and look at the pictures! It is a remarkable place!

And this is a video of a dog that looks like my old dog Sunshine.


  1. actually, do you mind if i post the second-to-last and then link back to this post?

  2. no of course not. i would be honored ;]
