Saturday 28 February 2009

Too Good for American Idol?

So I am no longer a self-proclaimed American Idol fanatic. I haven't been closely following the last couple of seasons (especially since receding hairline David Cooke won last season), and because of course, I am living in another country so it's not like I can really even watch it. But being the Youtuber I am, I stumbled across an audition for this season of a 22 year old girl who blew me away. Her voice is so unique. Reminds me of the precious Zooey Deschanel from She & Him meets a slightly Regina Spektor-ish (although no one can compare to the Soviet Kitsch Queen). And on top of that she is absolutely gorgeous (and has a Her name is Megan Joy Corkrey. Check out this youtube clip and fall in love with her like I have.

So after seeing that video, I vowed to follow Megan Joy Corkrey's journey...and it seems to be short lived. According to an MTV article titled, Why Megan Corkrey Won't Win 'American Idol,' she was "far and away the best contestant last night (perhaps even the best of the season so far), she is beautiful and inspiring, and possesses a subtle, lithe little voice, but there is no way in the world she is going to win 'American Idol.'" And I completely agree. I'd go see her in concert...but I don't picture her concert being in the $94 million, 136,000 square foot theatre, 3,400 seated Kodak Theater. As MTV stated, "She’s more suited for a small club...fronting a new favorite band on indie label Saddle Creek. Winning 'American Idol'? No." And sadly, after her adorable signature dance stance, 60's esque side-to-side hip bobbing, this performance may be her last.

After performing Corinne Bailey Rae's "Put Your Record On," Wednesday night, she was not voted in to the top 12 by America. However, the judges have the opportunity to bring three "wild-card" contestants back. As the episode came to an end Simon hinted, "Maybe even a couple from tonight you're going to see again." I hope so, but if she doesn't come back, I won't be too heart broken, as American Idol doesn't seem to be the place for someone quite as unique as Corkrey.


  1. Hello
    It has a nice blog.
    Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
    A hug from my country, Portugal

  2. Holy god, I'd like to marry that Megan Joy Corkrey. She's got an amazing voice, she's supremely awkward, and she has a gorgeous sleeve... what more could you ask for?

  3. i liked her a lot.
    watched AI last night and it kind of totally blew so i changed the channel and watched Chris Botti live from Boston on UNC-TV because it was a better choice.
