Wednesday 25 March 2009

who was eleanor rigby?

So my parents and uncle flew over on Friday, and I met them in London where we spent two days. (Keep in mind it's the first time any of the have been outside America) It was a hoot showing them the pound system and underground and taking them around the city. We did all the touristy things like St Paul's Cathedral, Big Ben, the London Eye, the changing of the gaurds, the London Museum, etc. etc.

Check out these videos.

The first one is of my mom in London. my brother and i always play this game about how many questions can my mom ask with out us answering...and it's always a lot. but never in my life have i heard my mom ask more questions (with no response) than in london...and then on top of that we lost her! luckily, i was filming her for most of the day with out her realizing to capture it all.

and this is a video i made of our trip in london.


  1. hah, "a hoot" !! love it. i've never lost my mom, but one time when i was 5ish and my brother was 3ish, my dad and i left a playground and got halfway home before we realized my brother was not in the car with us.
