Thursday 5 March 2009

Good thing Tim Gunn wasn't there

There was a Recycling of Clothes Workshop run by the organization People and the Planet in J.C.'s coffee shop on campus yesterday. There were bags and bags of old clothes and fabric that were up for grabs. There were also sewing machines, thread, ribbon, buttons, zippers, beads, etc. to repair, remake, alter and funk up the clothes.
The company that donated the clothes was the More Green Community Shop. It's a thrift store in Swansea. They have a wide selection of old furniture, clothes, fabric, and random bric-a-brac.

The point of the workshop was to not only encourage people to be creative, but also the importance of recycling old clothes.

Katie actually lucked out and found a lot of cute clothes without even having to alter them. One of the dresses she found is from New Look and is really freaking cute. She added purple fabric around the waste and some button thing.
[it's pictured to the right]

I found this plaid fabric and made a vest out of it. I'm still not done with it. I need to alter it a little more so it fits more snug, and now after looking at it I think I'm going to make it a bit shorter as well. On the back I put, "I'm an animal" I kept picturing myself on Project Runway and laughing about how bad Tim Gunn would react to my work. Rawr baby!

While rummaging through the clothes, I found a pair of women's trousers that had an amazing black-and-white small checkered print. Then I took red fabric from a t-shirt, and made a reversible scarf-handkerchief out of the two.

To the Left is the checkered side forward.

To the Right is the red side forward.

My favorite part about the scarf is that it buttons. I took the button strap from the pants, and sewed it on the back, so instead of having to tie the scarf, you can just button it. The pictures below show the button and strap.

There were also some other really great things going on at the workshop.

One girl was making a gown, with strips of fabric and it's going to be featured in a fashion show. [pictured on the left]

And another girl made a tube top and a handbag. [below]

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