Thursday 12 March 2009

i always lose socks

Yesterday was laundry day....okay laundry month. It's the second time I've done laundry since I've been here, and I have been here for what? Over two months now. I packed a lot of underwear and socks...okay. And I don't wash my jeans hardly ever, so it works out for me. And I bought like 5 new pairs of socks one day, so I could post-pone laundry for a week.
Just a quick blog to show you what laundry is like in the Hendrefoilan Student Village, werd?
the pictures posted show how i hang the clothes up in my room since I don't ussually dry my jeans and t-shirts in a dryer. (my friend maddie, from australia, went home in january and gave me the clothes pins and line.)

Laundry Costs
2 pounds 50 for one load
and 1 pound to dry for 50 minutes.

This is my treck to the laundry mat...

1 comment:

  1. Omg you did laundry the day of student elections? I didn't want to leave my flat and when I forced to, I took a newspaper to beat down any too determined supporters...
