Sunday 22 March 2009

Leaving on a Midnight Train to... Holyhead?

Early on the morning of March 16th at 3:30 am Katie and I left for Saint Patrick's Day in Dublin!

My buddy Matt from Manchester offered to give us a ride to the train station so we wouldn't have to pay for a taxi. We were both exhausted, but andrelanine was pumping for Saint Patrick's Day and I couldn't fall asleep. But finally after riding the train for an hour (and some sleeping pills) I passed out, although that's not the best thing when you're on a train that has to transfer through Cardiff Central and Shrewsbury Station. I woke up one time and thought for sure that we had missed our stop. But we arrived in Holyhead, North Wales around 12 and we had time to explore before making our way to the ferry. Here are some pictures from the train journey and the town of Holyhead.

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